
A dark purple arrow
A dark purple arrow
Project name
100 Story Building Annual Report
Client name
100 Story Building
Template Design—Data Analysis—Interactive Digital Services
Print and Digital Report


The Challenge
Design of the annual 100 Story Building Annual Report, appealing to two contrasting viewer bases: Board members and school children.


The Value
An interactive annual report that speaks to viewers of various ages, revealing the value of the organisation's yearly work across multiple layers.
Flying copies of the 100 Story Building report falling at different angles


The Approach
100 Story Building is a social enterprise developing creativity and literacy for children and young people, through workshop programs, online learning and community engagement. The way they engage children with books using dynamism and creativity is something we wanted to emulate when they asked us to design their Annual Report.


100 Story Building's Annual Report is traditional in that it is a report written for and presented each year to the organisation's board. It is unique in that it is also written for and presented to the children whose colourful artwork decorates the 100 Story Building walls. Being mindful of wanton assumptions when speaking directly to young people, we wanted to incorporate as much as we could from their side of things. So, we decided to spend a week in the 100 Story Building world, working with the children to develop artwork and a language we could use in our design of the report.

Concept development

Partnering with Sondo Marketing for the written side of the report, we applied the artwork and outline we'd drawn up after our week in situ at 100 Story Building.


After some back and forth feedback from both parties, we settled on an interactive, digital format for the final report. After including relevant hyperlinks and documentation, we also included a few links to some online games and puzzles—just in case any of the board members got bored half-way through.


The Outcome
Working with the people and kids at 100 Story Building is always an absolute pleasure. Each year we endeavour to produce something that is as unique, as creative, and as impassioned as what happens there every single day.
An open spread of the 100 Story Building, one page favouring green, the other pink
100 Story Building printed report spread out showing both front and back covers
A hand holding open a spread from the 100 Story Building report and its front cover next to it